Florida Building Commission

Energy Technical Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2013


Meeting Location:  Tallahassee, Florida via Teleconference


TAC/POC Members and Objectives

TAC Members Present Via Teleconference: Drew Smith, Chairman; Ron Bailey, Brent Caldwell, Oscar Calleja, Bob Cochell, Bob Volin (for Roger Sanders) and David Wojcieszak

TAC Members not Present: Jan Geyselaers, Roger Sanders and Lawrence Maxwell

Staff Present: Mo Madani, Jim Richmond, April Hammonds and Marlita Peters

Facilitator: Ken Cureton

Ψ Objectives:

Objective 1 - To approve the Agenda and the Minutes of the October 4, 2013 meeting.

Objective 2 - To consider DEC request DS 2013-092 from Scott P. Greenberg concerning the impact of HB 269 on certain sections of the 2010 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation.

Objective 3 - To consider and recommend action on a submittal for the Commission to approve the computer program REMRATE for compliance with the residential provisions of the 2010 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, by the Performance Method.

Objective 4 - To solicit potential research topics relative to the energy code for consideration by the Commission.


Meeting Minutes


Discussion of objectives included the following: 



10:00 AM Welcome and Opening, Roll Call.  A quorum was present.

Mr. Ken Cureton, facilitator, provided a brief overview of teleconferencing etiquette to alleviate some of the phone issues experienced in the past. Motion and second to approve the current Agenda for the Dec. 3, 2013 meeting with no changes was carried unanimously. Motion and second to approve minutes from meeting of Oct. 4, 2013 with no changes was carried unanimously.


To consider DEC request DS 2013-092 from Scott P. Greenberg concerning the impact of HB 269 on certain sections of the 2010 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation.

The Proponent was not in attendance to present the DEC request.

Staff Analysis  - Mo Madani presented the Staff Analysis for questions 1-3 of the DEC request, in which recommendations were provided as indicated in the Staff Analysis dated 12/2/2013. After discussion, TAC vote results for Staff Recommendations are as follows:


Question 1:  In Section, does HB 269 overturn the code requirements for heat load calculations [for total equipment replacement]?, the answer is YES, HB 269 preempts system sizing for replacement of existing equipment. Approve to forward Staff Recommendation to the FBC: Motion to Approve – Cochell; Second – Smith. Vote: 5 in favor, 2 oppose (Calleja, Wojcieszak).


Question 2:  In Section, Is the Design Star heat load calculation program an approved method, for existing residential change outs? the answer is that the code does not approve specific calculation methods; approval is by the code official.

And is it approved for all brands of a/c units (presently used for Rheem and Carrier)? the answer is that approval is by the code official.


If it is an approved method, is its acceptance to be statewide (all building departments)? the answer is that its acceptance is not statewide, but is reserved to the code official of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.


Can a local building department not allow it if ruled accepted? the answer is YES, the code official has the authority to not accept a given sizing calculation program. Approve to forward Staff Recommendation to the FBC: Motion to Approve – Cochelle; Second – Wojcieszak. Vote: 4 in favor, 3 oppose (Caldwell, Calleja, Wojcieszak).


Question 3: Does HB 269 overturn the code requirements for duct sealing as stated in the answer is YES, if the duct system itself is not replaced, HB 269 overturns the code requirements for duct sealing as stated in Section

To the question Is the duct sealing certification/form still required for existing residential change outs?, the answer is YES, if the duct system itself is not replaced, HB 269 overturns the code requirements for duct sealing as stated in Section to forward Staff Recommendation to the FBC: Motion to Approve –Calleja; Second – Cochell. Vote: Unanimous in favor.



To consider and recommend action on a submittal for the Commission to approve the computer program REMRATE for compliance with the residential provisions of the 2010 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, by the Performance Method.

The Proponent withdrew the submittal and no further action was taken.


To solicit the following potential research topics relative to the energy code for consideration by the Commission.


The proposals included herein were presented by the respective Proponents.  TAC members and members of the public provided discussion and comments. The recommendations are as follows:


  1. Review of Home Airtightness and Ventilation Approaches (Jim Cummings , Chuck Withers / FSEC) . Motion to forward to the Commission  for consideration – Cochell; Second – Calleja.  Vote: Unanimous in favor.


  1. Assessment of Energy Efficient Methods of Indoor Humidity Control Approaches  (Jim Cummings , Chuck Withers / FSEC) Motion to forward to FBC for consideration – Cochell; Second – Caldwell.  Vote: Unanimous in favor.


  1. Development of the Compliance Software Tool Assistance Manual for the 2014 Florida Building Energy Code(Muthusamy Swami and Rob Vieira / FSEC) AMENDED Motion to forward to FBC for consideration with notation of concern regarding potential conflict of interest regarding the  author of the proposed project being involved with the software development. – Cochell; Second – Wojcieszak.  Vote: Unanimous in favor.


  1. Revising Exception 1 under FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, ENERGY CONSERVATION, Duct Sealing upon Equipment Replacement (Janet McIlvaine / FSEC) Motion to forward to FBC for consideration – Bailey; Second – Caldwell.  Vote: 6 in favor, 1 oppose (Cochell).


See attached for additional details regarding the research topics.





Stand adjourned requested by Drew Smith

Adjourn:  11:10 AM


Staff Contacts: Kenneth H. Cureton, Planning Analyst ken.cureton@dbpr.state.fl.us (850) 921-2282 or Mo Madani, Manager mo.madani@dbpr.state.fl.us